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Undeniably, 75% of B2B products are sold online. And, a poor online presence can cause you a lot of money. Let’s learn about B2B eCommerce marketing strategies.
After successfully building your online eCommerce store, the next challenge a business had to deal with is – an increase in traffic. What is the point of having an online store with no customers or orders? Here are a few B2B eCommerce marketing strategies to improve your website traffic and sales.

Get SEO Done For Your eCommerce Store

This is one of the tried and tested strategies. Get SEO (search engine optimization) done for your eCommerce store. To boost your conversion, you need to attract new customers. With the expansion of your customer base, you can expect more leads to flow in. To make this happen, you need to make your eCommerce store visible in search results. Any prospectus searching for the services provided by your business must find you as a search result.
B2B eCommerce Store Marketing Strategy - BainsLabs | Digital Marketing Agency in Toronto

Do Not Overlook Technical SEO Strategies

Almost every search engine like Bing, Yahoo, and Google has its algorithms to rank any eCommerce site. The visibility of your eCommerce depends upon how strictly you follow those algorithms. Here are a few technical strategies –

Apply HTTPS – No one wants to submit his details on an unsecured eCommerce store. Besides, Google doesn’t like insecure eCommerce Stores. Therefore, make sure your eCommerce store is safe and secure. As a common practice, do use an SSL certificate. You can buy the same from your hosting partners or you can seek an expert’s help.

Write Robots.TXT – Ask your developers or SEO experts to write and upload a robots.txt file. This is a text file, which is used by web crawlers when indexing your website. Using this page, you can guide a crawler on what all pages should be crawled. This will help a crawler understand the important pages of your eCommerce store.

XML Sitemap – Sitemap is a blueprint of your eCommerce store. It helps the crawler understand the route of your eCommerce store. Through this XML sitemap, a crawler manages to find all the pages of your eCommerce store. There are tools available for generating XML sitemaps. Once generated, you need to upload it to your root directory, and Google search console. In case of any assistance, you can contact our experts.

Have Backlinks – Although this is an old technic, reliable. The more you get connected with similar niche stores, the better it is. It makes your eCommerce store look reliable. And, search engines love it.

Invest in On-page SEO

Without investing in On-Page SEO, expecting your website to appear in organic search results is a myth. For this, you need to optimize your eCommerce store’s URLs, title, content, product descriptions, tags, and images. For this, hire an expert to research keywords that can fetch potential customers.

Personalized Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing is also one among other B2B eCommerce marketing strategies to improve your website traffic and sales. Make sure, you have a copywriter. The success of your email marketing campaign depends upon the pitch of your sales emails. Your email must not bore your customers. One should use techniques like personalization and segmentation to boost conversion rates.

Predictive Shopping Campaigns

Using AI and Machine learning for making predictive shopping a possibility can also increase traffic at your eCommerce store. Predictive shopping campaigns are based on the customers’ purchasing histories to predict what they will buy in the future.
Perosonlized Email Marketing - BainsLabs | Digital Marketing Agency in Toronto

Content Marketing Strategies

For a business, returning customers matter the most. If your business does not have a good proportion of returning customers, it simply indicates failure. If you are expecting a boom in sales graph, then make sure your customers return. To do so, you must provide a great and compelling online shopping experience. This can be achieved via content marketing strategies. Make your customer’s journey as easier as possible. Avoid complex designs, confusing web hierarchies, unnecessary clicks, lengthy forms, etc. Make your eCommerce store easy to navigate. The design must be pleasant looking with a lot of captivating high-quality images, GIFs, and videos. Use unique selling points (USP) as banners. Use reviews and testimonials because 88% of customers check reviews before they decide to buy a product. Incentivizing your buyers to review your product. This will not only increase your sales but also make them regular customers. Never miss a lead; use Chatbots. Let your customers know about your 24/7 online help and support.

Paid Optimization (SEA and SEM)

In addition to organic SEO, one must invest in paid optimization. The motive is to increase traffic to your eCommerce store. For this, you should invest in paid online advertising, pay-per-click campaigns, social media advertising, search advertising, or display advertising.

Cross-Sell or Up-Sell Campaigns

Using cross-selling or up-selling techniques can boost your store’s traffic. It is selling complementary products based on a customer’s previous orders. This technique not only increases the number of returning customers but also deepens customer relationships.

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    Social Media Campaigns

    No business can dare to ignore its products on social media. However, for expected results, one needs to work around the psychology of the business’s target audience. Your social media campaign must be something that attracts customers’ attention. It could be your business logo, credibility, a showcase of happy customers, social proof of recent purchases, contests, etc. For best results, a business can use the services of an influencer.
    There are several other techniques. And, to apply these techniques, we recommend hiring a digital marketing specialist.

    Being a digital marketing agency in Toronto, Canada, we can offer you the required assistance. Feel free to contact one of our digital marketing experts.