Team Bains Properties

A Real Estate Digital Marketing Success Story

Google Ads PPC Campaign for Real Estate Lead Generation

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Within the first month of launching the Google Ads PPC campaign for, we were able to generate 60+ Genuine Leads.


Team Bains Properties, a real estate agency based in Brampton, Canada, specializing in residential and commercial properties approached us for a lead generation Google Ads campaign.

Team Bains Properties, a real estate agency based in Brampton, Canada, specializing in residential and commercial properties approached us for a lead generation Google Ads campaign.

Team Bains Properties - Digital Marketing Success Story BainsLabs | IT Consultants in Toronto

Keyword Research and Selection

Extensive keyword research was conducted to identify relevant search terms with high commercial intent. This included a mix of location-specific keywords (e.g., “Brampton real estate,” “homes for sale in Brampton”) and specific property types (e.g., “luxury condos,” “commercial office spaces”).

Target Audience Segmentation

Using Google Ads’ audience targeting features, the campaign was tailored to reach potential buyers and sellers based on factors such as location, demographics, and online behavior.

Ad Schedule and Budget Allocation

The campaign’s ad schedule was optimized based on data indicating peak search times for real estate in Brampton. Budget allocation was adjusted to prioritize high-performing keywords and demographics.

A/B Testing

Continuous A/B testing was conducted to refine ad copy, landing page elements, and targeting parameters for improved performance.

Ad Copy Optimization

Compelling ad copy was crafted, emphasizing Team Bains’ expertise, local market knowledge, and personalized service. Each ad highlighted unique selling points to differentiate from competitors.

Landing Page Optimization

The website’s landing pages were designed for conversion optimization. Clear calls-to-action, user-friendly forms, and relevant information were prominently displayed to encourage lead submissions.

Ad Extensions and Sitelinks

Utilizing ad extensions like callouts, site links, and location extensions enhanced ad visibility and provided additional information to potential leads.

Conversion Tracking and Analytics

Robust tracking was implemented to monitor lead submissions, allowing for real-time adjustments to the campaign strategy.

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The successful implementation of a targeted Google Ads PPC campaign played a pivotal role in driving traffic and generating high-quality leads for Team Bains Realty. The combination of thorough keyword research, ad optimization, audience targeting, and continuous testing resulted in a cost-effective lead generation strategy.

By leveraging the power of paid search advertising, Team Bains Realty was able to establish a strong online presence, quickly attracting potential buyers and sellers in the competitive real estate market of Brampton, Canada. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of a well-executed PPC campaign in achieving immediate lead generation goals for a newly launched website.

Team Bains Properties - Digital Marketing Success Story BainsLabs | IT Consultants in Toronto

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