Data architecture is the process of standardizing how organizations collect, store, transform, distribute, and leverage data. The goal is to deliver relevant information to the people who need it in a timely manner and help them understand it. A poorly structured data architecture can make things go wrong. To avoid this, a data structure must have below mentioned characteristics.
User Driven
In traditional business models, data was static and access was limited. Therefore, those who make decisions did not necessarily get what they wanted or needed, but what was available.
You want business users to define requirements with confidence because the professional data architect can bring information together and create solutions to access it in ways that meet business goals.
Built On Shared Data
The effectiveness of this strategy relies on digital information structures that foster collaboration, so to be successful you need to break down silos by combining data from all parts of the organization, along with external sources as needed, into one. a single place to remove competing versions of the same data.
In this environment, data is not interchangeable between departments or aggregated, but rather is considered a shared asset across the enterprise.
Automated Frictionless Process
Automation removes the friction that made legacy data systems tedious to set up.
Processes that took months to build can now be completed in hours, even minutes, using cloud-based tools.
If a user needs to access different data, automation allows the subject matter professional to quickly design a pipeline to deliver it. The new information can be immediately integrated into the structure.
Powered by Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent data architecture takes automation to a new level, using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to adjust, alert and recommend solutions to new conditions.
In this way, ML and AI are responsible for identifying data types, analyzing and correcting quality errors, creating structures for incoming data, identifying relationships to obtain new insights, and suggesting data sets and related evaluations.
Must Be Elastic
This feature allows companies to scale as needed, adapting to any circumstance.
The cloud is a key ally here, enabling fast and affordable on-demand scalability, allowing system administrators to focus on troubleshooting rather than gauging exact capacity or over-purchasing hardware to keep up with the demand.
Zero Complication
Simplicity trumps complexity and inefficient data architecture.
We must strive for simplicity in data movement, platforms, assembly frameworks, and analytics software.
Cyber Security First
Cybersecurity is integrated into this method, which guarantees that valuable information is available according to the requirement and search criteria.
It is also capable of recognizing potential existing and emerging threats to data security.
Now that you know a bit about the main characteristics of effective data architecture, if your organization is looking for big data consulting or data architecture consulting, feel free to contact us..