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According to a recent report, the use of social media platforms to connect with people or businesses has increased dramatically in recent years. This information leads us to think that social networks act like a bridge to connect a business with its potential customers. Hence, when it comes to the strategy for these platforms, one must think solely and exclusively of the interests of their target audience. The Real Estate sector has undergone an important transition in the way it makes its services known and finds them. Well, we all know that if a few years ago we wanted to buy real estate to sell, we would go from place to place looking for apartments and offering our real estate products. And although this work has not completely disappeared, much of the marketing work that was done through a phone or a door is now done through social networks. To get the most out of these platforms, we will mention some real estate marketing strategies that you can follow below.

Real Estate Blog

Sometimes blogs tend to get forgotten. Although many companies have one, they are not given the importance they deserve because they are not updated and do not provide users with the valuable information they need. The blog is a wonderful space where you can give users information about the sector. For example, clear up doubts that arise when renting a property or acquiring a mortgage. Think that if you post interesting content on your social networks, they link to the blog and, in turn, to your website. With the above, we give our future clients the tools they need to acquire their next property, but we are also generating trust and closeness with them.

Video Content

For a couple of years, short videos have come to stay. TikTok and Instagram have revolutionized the way of making videos because they make it easy for users to create them. Previously, expert technologies and professionals were required; now, it is much faster and easier. Especially since these networks have a slew of utilities that allow you to produce high-quality video in record time. As an advice, we suggest you be aware of the trends of the moment to engage your audience more.

Create Offers

We all like deals, right? So remember to include offers or promotions in your post. They do not have to be offers for the properties in your catalog. For example, you can give away tickets to the launch of a project, subscriptions to the newsletter, or memberships, which will be a perfect hook to attract clients.


The use of hashtags will allow you to use keywords to classify your posts. It is one of the simplest ways to reach potential customers. All you have to do is – use the # sign, followed by the keyword, for example, #realestatemarketing, and so on. However, you should use the relevant ones only. You can ask an expert.  Hashtags are currently used on all social networks, but depending on user behavior, some hashtags may work better on some platforms than others. Consequently, you will have to analyze very carefully what is the trend in each network. Likewise, when trying to put a hashtag on the same platform, it gives you an idea of ​​the number of publications it has.
Finally, you or your marketing team will be the ones to define the social media strategy to follow, not only to make your real estate agency known, but also to attract potential clients, interact with them, learn about their interests and desires, and, most importantly, generate leads to increase your sales. 

If you are in the real estate business and looking for a digital transformation, feel free to contact us. We have been working with this industry for the last decade. Share your requirements, and our experts will be in touch with you.