Why Scrum Fails – Reasons Behind Failure

Bitter but true, if not followed properly, even scrum can fail. During our experience, we have seen several companies despite having experienced scrum masters, struggling with project backlogs. In this article, we will be telling you why scrum fails. Should you...

Main Characteristics of Effective Data Architecture

Data architecture is the process of standardizing how organizations collect, store, transform, distribute, and leverage data. The goal is to deliver relevant information to the people who need it in a timely manner and help them understand it. A poorly structured data...

Data Lake and Common Layers of Data Lake

A data lake is nothing more than a central repository to store an entire organization’s information regardless of its format or origin. For those who are used to developing traditional data warehouses, the changes in focus are evident. In a simple data lake,...

Tips for Implementing Big Data in Your Factory

Big Data is one of the fundamental technologies of Industry 4.0 responsible for processing, managing, and analyzing large amounts of data and its digitization. Before implementing Big Data in your factory or company, our big data experts recommend following these...

What Are The Benefits of Business Process Automation

In this era of consistent change, it becomes essential to put some of the business tasks on automation. By putting them on automation, a business can not only reduce work-load, but it also allows a business to shift its core focus to the business’s primary...

Confused Whether To Apply Agile Methodologies or Not?

Many managers are still reluctant to implement Agile Methodologies in their regular processes. Either due to ignorance or mere resistance to change, they cling to hierarchical, almost static structures, in which information does not flow along with market dynamics....