AI Marketing Tools For Digital Marketing

AI Marketing Tools For Digital Marketing

We are in a digital age where most of our processes are automated. It is bitter but true that even marketing is not out of this trend. Now, the question is, how to make your online presence survive? In this article, we will be talking about a few AI marketing tools...

Mobile App Building Frameworks And Tools

It is no lie that the use of smartphones has increased tremendously in the last decade. Due to an abrupt rise in mobile app demand, development costs are soaring. However, you don’t need to build a native app all the time. In some cases, a business can minimize...
Tested Tricks To Recover Cold Leads

Tested Tricks To Recover Cold Leads

In general, a cold or disengaged lead is that person who has stopped interacting with your company in emails, social networks, and other digital means of communication. As a business, no one can afford to miss even a single lead. In this article, we will share a few...

Big Data in Marketing – What, How, And Why?

Gone are those days, when marketing giants were used to relying on paper surveys or online surveys. Nowadays, survival depends upon how tough or advanced you are, as a business. The use of Big Data in marketing means going one step further in the search for the most...

Facebook Ad Campaign And iOS 14 Changes

Despite Apple’s ad-blocking software, the Conversions API will allow you to get very detailed reports of your customers’ purchase cycle. The Facebook Conversions API will help you continue to segment your campaigns correctly to maximize the budget...